Catalyst Service Request Booking is LIVE!
Posted on 12 May 2016
Constant, and consistent innovation is key. We have a new feature on our website called ‘Booking’ and all of our client’s now have access to it! You can find it at Catalyst Website and Catalyst LIVE Support Site We have found that our clients enjoy the ability to choose a time and date that works for them to connect to our staff for support.
There are many benefits to this feature for our clients. You can choose anytime that works for you, for example if you are just about to leave your PC for an hour for lunch, we could connect with it just before you leave, and have any issue or software install completed while you are away.
The automated website will also e-mail your calendar an ICS file to accept, which will add the appointment right into your calendar with full details automagically, with a single click! Give it a try, we know you’ll love it.