What does Above and Beyond Mean? - MS Bike Tour 2016
Posted on 14 June 2016
Other IT companies claim that they go above and beyond for their client’s, that they ’get their feet wet’ or are ’truly hands on’. But what does that really mean?
Going above and beyond is status quo at Catalyst Network Solutions, and it means more than just providing IT Services to our clients. At Catalyst, it means that we actually will get our feet wet. Our V.P of Sales Andrew Unrau persevered in what Global Edmonton reported as one of the hardest years ever for the MS Bike tour from Leduc to Camrose 2016. Andrew was there in full force, super early in the AM Saturday late into the evening. From setting up tents, cooking over 800 burgers to feed starving riders, and just spreading massive amounts of positive Catalyst energy in a really, really harsh place to be due to the weather. -- In one of the pictures, you can actually see the rain coming down in sheets!
Andrew was helping out Fillmore Construction, to keep everyone fed, and happy. -- At the time I send this Fillmore Construction has been able to raise one of the largest single team donation amounts ever in MS history, $117,447.00, for a grand total of $1,779,217.64 from the event as a whole. This capital will help to provide research for Multiple Sclerosis, a crippling and painful ailment that humanity needs to find a cure for. We are making a difference as well, check this out: MS - Not Hype.
Catalyst also made two donations to two riders, Chris Fillmore, and David Donaldson who have been riding in the tour for more than 3 years, regardless of weather conditions. Just like Catalyst, Fillmore always finishes a project no matter what obstacle is in the way.
Huge thanks to Andrew for the help during the event. I spoke with Fillmore staff today, and they said that Andrew was an enormous help, and critical to the events success. Well done, and a huge thank you Andrew!
David Donaldson
on 25 May, 2017
hey guys...
booting around your site and noticed that the links for Chris’ and my name (on the above and beyond lead to dead ends and the link to download pictures is also dead.
peace out brothers.