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SECURITY STARTS WITH YOU: Why Is Personal Device Encryption Important?

Posted on 09 May 2016

It was not long ago that personal security came down to good locks on your door and a friendly neighbour or two. In this modern age, things are much different and infinitely more complex. Encryption is a popular buzzword in headlines these days, but what does it really mean and why is it important to you? Learn how to protect your phones, tablets and personal computers with Catalyst IT’s guide below.


Encryption is a much more refined concept of a secret code or password. Consumer and commercial software alike use different levels of encryption to secure personal details, financial records and other sensitive information. Successful tech companies are constantly streamlining and updating their built-in encryption, but hackers and other malevolent programmers often outpace them.


It’s a new age of the personal connectivity, which brings a diverse world of phones, tablets, personal computers and other online devices. We often go about our lives without giving these gadgets a second thought. It’s also a new age of government monitoring, high-tech fraud and identity theft-- so it’s important to remember the difficulty of avoiding these pitfalls in a constantly connected world. All of the advantages of our new toys come with very serious consequences.


Recently, Apple and others have defended personal privacy and net neutrality in the public forum. With serious legal consequences on the line, the proponents of each side have put a lot of information out there. The simple answer is that once a backdoor is opened, it cannot be closed as securely as it was before. Encroachment on one citizen’s privacy being declared legal is the first domino that could create a very dangerous precedence.

If you are concerned about your personal devices’ security, contact or visit Catalyst IT today. Our encryption experts can help you fortify the digital walls around your confidential information and correspondence. Catalyst can outfit businesses of any size with top-to-bottom personal security, so all of your employees are protected and you don’t lose any sleep over potential exposure or possible loose ends.

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